The Press Release Take Over For The Firearm Industry
Before I go on another rant about trying to find somewhere to post PR for the firearm industry, let’s discuss why its so hard to find to begin with. I’ve been apart of some of the largest businesses and websites in the firearm space.
I’ve spent over 10+ years on the marketing/ content side of most of them. I’ve also personally worked with about 85% of all the content agencies out there for us as well.
Believe me when I say getting the content isn’t the challenge, the challenge is Distribution. Brace yourselves, this will make you want to go blow something up.

We literally have five maybe six options! On websites that haven’t been updated in 5+ years.
After dealing with this for so long, I finally had the opportunity to sit down with a few well known PR site Owners. These owners explained to me that one of their largest revenue streams is utilizing Digital Advertising.
Most, if not all, of their revenue is made through ads. The distribution websites that they are send to also utilizing ad revenue. Many of which, we have an agreement with NOT to submit content that would more or less get them demonized.
So unfortunately, we have very strict rules and regulations against anything that deals closely with the firearm industry.
With that said, the websites (agencies) that they work with can easily remove, suspend and/or terminate the website(s) if they violate their rules. As you may imagine, this makes it incredibly difficult to post firearm content regardless if it is for or against firearms. So, just say no…
After this conversation, I realized I had to reevaluate my current position. I completely understand but that means I either work with the out dated stuff or build something better myself.
Others like me are probably finding it difficult to post content. Get distribution and make sure the right audience see’s it. I needed to find a solution not just for me but for everyone in this same position.
Well, for those that know me I am very dedicated to finding solutions. With that said, if I can’t find a solution… I will make one! So for those that have been waiting and filling up my inbox asking for updates here you go!
Let’s get to what you’re here for:
Officially announcing ArmoryDialy.com
About Armory Daily
Armory daily is your press release and content distribution center. Giving our industry the media advantages that every other business out there gets. We are connecting with 100s of firearm, hunting, outdoor and fishing websites to distribute to.

Our mission is to Distribute the Right Message to the Right Audience at the Right Time!
You’re Welcome!
Published in Industry, Press Release
HECK YEAH about time. Can we talk about new bullets announcements on here?
The sign up is $25 dollars for unlimited but can I pay per press release? We only write one every few months or so?
We just got kicked off PR.com due there updates. Can we talk about wars and current firearm laws?
Is there a limit how many I can send out per month?
Sent support an email as well. But, can you post the categories to make it easy browse.