Wow, Father Of Georgia School Shooter Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter & 2nd Degree Murder

The father of the 14-year-old Apalachee High School shooter was arrested and charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children.

Law enforcement stated that 54-year-old Colin Gray gave an AR-15 rifle to his son “as a gift … in December 2023.”

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said that the charges “stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son … to possess a weapon.”

What scares me about this case is how it sets a precedent. If we start holding parents criminally responsible for every single thing their child does, where does it stop?

I can’t help but feel like this whole situation is going to be twisted into another attack on gun owners as a whole. And honestly, that’s dangerous.

It’s easy to imagine a future where simply owning a gun and having kids in the same house makes you a criminal in the eyes of some politicians.

What do you guys think? Should this father be held responsible for his son’s actions? Or are they setting a dangerous precedent that will come back to haunt responsible gun owners down the road?

Let me know in the comments below.

And for the record—my heart goes out to the families of the victims. I can’t imagine what they’re going through right now.

However, we must be careful with how we respond to this because the decisions made here could affect all of us in the long run.

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