Wow, Did This Feminist Just Advocate For The 2nd Amendment?

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As the saying goes, everyone hates guns and lawyers until they need one.

A self-proclaimed feminist on the Whatever podcast was confronted with the hypothetical scenario, if all men banded together in an ultimate super form patriarchy and said we are going to walk back women’s rights, would men be able to walk back women’s rights?

Her response is absolutely right!

She’s Trolling, but in her trolling, she made an excellent point that I and the gun community have been making for years.

The 2nd Amendment gives power to the weak to defend their rights.

This is why it baffles me that feminists, by and large, are anti-2A.

They demand equal rights from the patriarchy while also telling the patriarchy to take away their 2A rights.

Still, when confronted with the idea that the rights they really want could be taken, they invoke the same 2A rights they were just begging to have taken away.

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