Wow, City In Florida Bans Gun & Ammo Sales Before Hurricane Helene

What does the City of Okeechobee decide to do right before a Category 4 hurricane slams the state? They ban the sale of firearms and ammunition!

Yup. That’s right. No guns, no ammo, when people need them the most.

The absolute irony here is beyond words. People are on their own, with no emergency services available, and the first thing the government does is make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. It’s not like criminals are taking a break!

They still have their guns.

They’re not walking into stores asking politely for ammo. Meanwhile, the guy who realizes he’s completely vulnerable? Yeah, he’s screwed.

Now, for the people conveniently forget when tyranny happens, let us not forget what happened in New Orleans in 2005, after Hurricane Katrina—when government officials went door-to-door confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens ‘for their own safety.

The Okeechobee Police Chief thought making it harder for people to defend their homes and families was a good idea. And what reason do they give? What justification? They just wanted to make it ‘safer,’ they say. Safe from what? Safe from the people trying to defend themselves?

According to FPC, Governor DeSantis stepped in and said, ‘Not today.’ He told the Okeechobee Sheriff’s Office to rescind the order. If this is true, I applaud him for that—I truly do. But the real issue is that this even happened in the first place.

And to those who say, ‘No one’s trying to take your guns,’ or ‘We just want common sense gun laws,’ where are you now? You don’t hear a peep from these politicians when this happens.

They don’t condemn these unconstitutional acts. They stay silent because they don’t really care about your rights.

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