Wow, $67 Million Spent On Mandatory Gun Buy Backs, Not One Gun Collected

Canada’s federal gun buyback program has racked up a jaw-dropping $67.2 million bill since 2020, yet not a single firearm has been collected.

This program, aimed at compensating AR-15 owners after the government banned them, still lacks key details—four years later.

With over 150,000 prohibited AR-15s in Canada, Canadian gun owners have until October 2025 to hand them in, deactivate them, or get rid of them.

Oh, and $11.5 million? That’s just what they’ve paid consultants to handle the logistics, communications, and other services. Still, not one AR-15 has been collected.

When the government starts talking about ‘buybacks’ or ‘bans,’ they’re not just screwing you by taking away your rights; they’re screwing you and making you pay for it.

It’s a double slap in the face.

If YOU own a SCAR, a gun that runs around $4,000, do you honestly think they’re going to hand you four grand to buy it back?

They’re offering pennies on the dollar, maybe a couple hundred bucks at best.

So now you’re losing out on the money you spent on that gun, and on top of that, they’re using your tax dollars to pay for this entire mess.

So you’re getting hit twice.

That’s why I made the Defund Gun Control design because it’s not just ridiculous—it’s highway robbery.

And don’t think this is just a Canadian problem. It could easily happen here in the U.S. too.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

Defund Gun Control

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