Why This Case Might Be Bruen’s Biggest Impact Yet
Can you imagine losing a Constitutional Right simply because you lawfully crossed state lines? Sounds crazy, right? Well, Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses that exact phenomenom as many lawful and responsible gun owing Americans cn be charged with a crime if they travel to another state with their fireaerm without first obtining permission from that state. And as stupid as that sounds, today we will learn of two cases in which that happened to residents of New Hampshire who traveled into Massachusetts without getting a permission slip first. This case, now the subject of a successful challenge finds its way to the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts next week for oral arguments. This case has the potential to begin an avalanche of successfuly litigation so learn more today and arm yourself with education.
Read the Amicus Brief here. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5dd86e0364a67a0989dfb915/t/66aa780df86e0a129a60f56e/1722447886076/Commonwealth+v.+Donnell+-+2024-07-30+Amicus+Brief+of+CRPA%2C+et+al%282300732.1%29.pdf
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