What Really Happened With the Donald Trump Documents Case

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Huge news yesterday and it appears more and more things are looking up for President Trump. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk discusses the HUGE ruling in the matter of US v. Trump, the documents case in Florida which has now been dismissed as both the appointment of Special Counsel Smith as well as all of his financial appropriations were both in direct violation of the United States Constitution. Once again it shows that the problem with this administration has been not so much what they are doing but how they choose to do it. Clearly, this is a huge win for the president in his reelection bid as this will inevitably delay this case long after our next president is sworn in. So learn what really happened today so that you can arm yourself with education.

Read the Ruling Here. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.672.0_3.pdf
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