Walther PDP Match Made In Heaven
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Take the Walther PDP Match SF (steel frame), and remove the SF, and you have the Walther PDP Match.
Yes, I know this is obvious, but usually, when you go from a steel frame to polymer on the same gun, your shooting experience of the polymer typically feels… meh comparatively.
However, that is not the case with the PDP Match.
The Match feels and shoots every bit as special as the steel-framed version; it’s just a different kind of special.
If anything, the PDP Match makes the shooting experience of the Regular PDP feel a little meh, and I loved the regular PDP.
All things considered, the PDP Match has evolutionary upgrades that make the gun shoot and feel close to revolutionary compared to the regular PDP, and I’m here for it.
Join us as we explore how the Walther PDP Match surprises and impresses, making it a must-have for enthusiasts. Are you ready for the evolution? Let’s find out!
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Published in Firearms, Videos