So, Can You Carry a Firearm on Illinois Public Transportation Right Now?

Circling back now the case of Scchoenthal v. Raoul and now successful challenge to Illinois’ ban on carrying legal firearms on public transporation. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the dressing down that several state attorneys had to take after deciding to throw a couple of cheap shots at the judge in their motion for a stay of the injunction. How did that go and was a stay granted? More importantly, what does all of this mean to you. Learn more today and arm yourself with education.
Illinois WGL Roadtrip
That’s right, if you want to come on by and spend some time with WGL, consider attending one of four events we have next week in Illinois.

Mon-Tue Oct. 14-15, Gat Guns in Deast Dundee.
Wed. Oct. 16, Law Weapons in Naperville
Thur. Oct. 17, South Post Guns in Streator

For more information and to register for the event visit our good folks at Right to Bear at
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