Minnesota Bill Wants To Ban Lead Ammunition

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My inner conspiracy theorist wants to say this bill is nothing more than a way to disrupt the growth that shooting sports are starting to see in schools. The Anti-Gun lobby understands the power of culture and realizes that the younger kids and teens are introduced to not only shooting sports but responsible gun ownership, the stronger the gun culture in America becomes.

I’m not here to downplay the dangers of lead exposure from shooting. It’s something that’s at the back of my mind anytime I’m shooting.

I keep lead wipes (https://www.mrcolionnoir.com/go/lead-wipes/) in my range bag so that once I’m done shooting, I wipe my hands, face, phone, and anything else I think was exposed to the lead from shooting.

It’s relatively easy to minimize the lead exposure you can possibly be exposed to when you’re shooting. Don’t shoot, and then immediately eat a burger with gunpowder residue on your hands.

Wear a hat when you’re shooting so you don’t get in your hair, and wash the clothes you went to the range with separately.

They make special detergent to wash lead out of clothes. (https://www.mrcolionnoir.com/go/laundry-detergent-for-lead-removal/)

There are many ways to minimize this risk, banning lead ammo is excessive and unnecessary.

I’m sure they’re teaching these kids gun safety before they shoot, it’s not that hard to teach them lead exposure safety also.

We can’t talk about gun safety and responsibility but make access to such things overly expensive to the point where it prohibits the very people who need this experience and education from getting it.

I’m all for producing lead-free ammo if it’s possible, I just don’t think we need to ban lead ammo in the process.

How about keeping shooters’ hearing safe? It baffles me how often I’ve seen people try to use actual AirPods as hearing protection on the range.

Airpods are not designed to protect your ears from the decibel levels of gunshots.

That’s why Airpods don’t advertise a Noise Reduction Rating like these in-ear Bluetooth hearing protection, with a Certified NRR rating of 25.

These also have a pass-through hearing feature that allows you to still hear the environment around you while you’re shooting or listening to music.

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