Jill Biden Goes On The View & Babbles About Banning Automatic Rifles

The daily babble from "The View" included guest & First Lady Jill Biden as she stated that one reason that younger voters should vote to re-elect President Joe Biden is because he’s working so “that we don’t have automatic rifles"

Jill Biden is clearly talking about Semi-automatic rifles, but I’m not surprised she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 essentially banned automatic rifles. In 1986, the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act, with the Hughes Amendment, made it even harder.

Jill Biden also talked about Joe Biden fighting against climate change as something she thinks the youth care about and pushing for student loan forgiveness.

She continued later, "to make our planet safer. This is what — the things that he’s working for and working against — that we don’t have automatic rifles so that our kids are safe."

Name the last school shooting or mass shooting, for that matter, where the shooter used an automatic rifle?


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