Inventor Of Glock Switch Regrets Making It, Only Wanted It For Military

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The inventor of the Glock switch says he regrets making them because many people are using his patent to produce their own switches when he only intended to create them for the military.

I believe this is a prime example of how gun laws don’t work.

Glock switches are already illegal, yet there are countless teenagers running around with illegal switches on guns they obtained illegally.

Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens are left without them.

They can’t keep weapons out of prisons, and despite numerous bans, weapons still proliferate.

This happens when you focus solely on the tool, not the behavior.

That being said, I understand the inventor of the switch feels regret, but I don’t think he did anything wrong.

He made a part for a gun, and you can’t control what people do with that. However, empowering law-abiding citizens to defend themselves is crucial.

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