ICE FISHING In A $100,000 DOLLAR MACHINE Made Just For Chasing fish!!! (TANK ON ICE!!)
Ice fishing chasing a hot bite in a SNOWBEAR bouncing around to find feeding fish!! #icefish #snowbear #fishing
Set the hook-setthehookfishinco.com
Sash- https://linktr.ee/Sasha402
MERCH/Hats! – https://402-outdoors.com (Win a trip!)
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/402_Outdoors_/
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Trec Outdoors- https://trecoutdoors.com
Piscifun reels- https://bit.ly/3WfuNft
Code- 402outdoors15
Nordic Legend- https://nordic-legend.com/?fbclid=PAAabMFMhrn9OauSDA6p82su-6v27bseP8MF8GahlTbQCKXZANT9HCbb9KBXw (Code 402OUTDOOR)-15% off
Tackle bandit- https://www.tacklebandit.com/
J’s weights – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1739000692931972/?ref=share
EuroTackle- code 402outdoors (10% off)
Published in Fishing, Videos