Huge Win for Gun Owners, Nationwide
Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the huge win obtained by the Second Amendment Foundation in the matter of Hunter v. Cortland Housing Authority. This case, which is a challenge to the Federal Government’s requirement that all federally subsidized leases must include a clause which precludes lawful gun ownership within one’s own home. Now a temporary injuction has been filed and there’s a lot more to follow. So learn what all of this means and arm yourself with education today.
Read the Ruling of the Court here. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nynd.141417/gov.uscourts.nynd.141417.28.0.pdf
Show the Second Amendment Foundation Some Love.
If you are ready to get in the fight with the Second Amendment Foundation, who have been battling for years to preserve your inalienable rights join them today at: https://saf.org/
Contact Washington Gun Law
If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else related to what’s left of our Second Amendment Rights, remember you can always contact us at:
www.washingtongunlaw.com or call us directly at 425-765-0487.
Stay safe.
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