Huge Ruling Strikes Down Several “Sensitive Places”
It wasnt’ a clean sweep, but in the areas that the plantiffs did prevail, there is real potential to challenge similar laws in many other jusridictions. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the matter of Kipke v. Moore, also known as Novotny v. Moore, a challenge to Maryland’s laundry list of "senstitive places" that encompasses about half the state. But a big ruling now suggests that at least part of this legislative scheme, is in fact, unconstitutional and that should lead to similar challenges elsewhere. So learn more today and arm yourself with education.
Read the Order here. https://assets.nationbuilder.com/firearmspolicycoalition/pages/6756/attachments/original/1722622959/2024.08.02_057_OPINION.pdf?1722622959
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