How The Ronald Reagan Assassination Attempt Caused Major Gun Control
By now, we’ve all seen the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and, as expected, the anti-gun lobby wasted no time in using it to push their gun control agenda.
Take this tweet from Everytown, for example:
"This is unacceptable and a tragic reminder of our nation’s gun violence crisis. No one is immune from experiencing gun violence. When guns are everywhere, for anyone, with no questions asked—no one is safe."
This reaction is nothing new.
The anti-gun lobby did the exact same thing after the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt, and guess what?
It worked. A lot of people don’t realize that Reagan’s assassination attempt is why we have some of the gun control laws we do today. So, let’s dive into another moment in 2A history.
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What do you think about the Gun Control caused by Ronald Reagan’s attempted assassination? How does this historical event shape the Second Amendment today? Let us know in the comments below!
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Published in Firearms, Videos