Grocery Stores Now Selling Ammunition From Vending Machines

As an openly AmmoSexual male, a vending machine where I can go buy ammo sounds awesome! However, I don’t know how I feel about this facial recognition AI stuff because my little tin foil hat comes out.

But who am I fooling? I’m the same guy with two iPhones with Face ID, I have a clear and global entry pass, where I have to scan my face every time I fly.

I think I’ve already jumped the shark on the whole staying off the grid ambitions thing.

That said, everyone isn’t as loosy-goosy as I am about that kind of stuff, so I can see some people not really liking the facial recognition part of this too much.

I also get the feeling that this is a background check, if not an outright background check, to buy ammo.

So even though I promiscuously give my personal tech devices access to my likeness before using them, something about this gives me a little bit more of the heebee jeebees.

I personally think the novelty of having an Ammo Vending machine is cool and convenient in some cases. For instance, Recently, I drove 35 minutes to go to an indoor range to do some recreational shooting, only to realize I forgot to bring ammo.

To avoid getting beat over the head price-wise at the gun range, I googled the nearest Academy Sporting Goods store ( which wasn’t that near), walked to the back of the store, found my ammo, stood in line with people buying fishing gear, and then finally paid and left.

It was basically a 15-minute endeavor.

I would have killed for the grocery store down the street from the range to have an ammo vending machine where I could just dip in, pay, and leave.

I want to know what you think about this whole ammo vending machine deal in grocery stores. Are my fears unfounded, or are you like, nope, Colion Noir, you are absolutely right, not touching them with a ten-foot pole because of the AI facial recognition?

Also, our new AmmoSexual designs are out clicker here:

New 40oz 2A Tumblers, 2A Designs, Vacuum Insulated, With Handle & Straw

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