FN P90 to 500yds: Practical Accuracy (Stargate SG1 main weapon) PS90
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The FN P90 was a product of the 1990’s late-Cold War. Its forward leaning employment theory of the PDW cartridge was an idea that many consider un-proven and some… unnecessary.
As a type-1 PDW, the FN P90 was made from the ground up to bridge the gap between the 9mm and 5.56mm weapons, but did it do this task? Can it reach to 500yards? We find out.
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9 Hole Reviews
21175 Tomball Pkwy. No. 480
Houston, Texas 77070
0:00 – SBI
0:08 – Stargate SG1
1:58 – Opener / Data
3:16 – Shooting Course
12:55 – Patreon
14:12 – P90 in Stargate SG1
18:15 – Debrief (shooting)
23:27 – Concussion
25:32 – Accuracy
27:22 – PDW Employment
39:05 – NATO Trials
40:19 – 5.7×28 catridges
47:35 – Recap
49:17 – Special Thanks
49:36 – End – Outtro