Elon Musk Just Exposed Kamala Harris Gun Confiscation Plan

Elon Musk calls out Kamala’s mandatory gun buyback plan by tweeting what happened in history when tyrants disarmed their citizens.

He tweeted, "The right to bear arms is there to protect free speech and stop a tyrannical government from taking your rights away!

That’s why the first thing that all tyrants do is disarm the people, just like Chavez did when he was first elected. After that, no more real elections in Venezuela."

He said this in response to NBC’s video/tweet interviewing Kamala Harris’s top surrogate, Raphael Warnock:

NBC: Should Kamala try to pass mandatory gun confiscation, which she has repeatedly said she supports?

Top Harris surrogate Raphael Warnock: "We’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action."

NBC: Yes or no?

Warnock: Yes

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#GunControl SecondAmendment #GunRights #KamalaHarris

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