Elon Musk Calls Out Apple For Banning Gun Emoji’s Because Of Woke Mind Virus

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So, Elon Musk just stirred the pot again on X (formerly known as Twitter for all you stuck in 2022). This time, he took a shot—pun intended—at the gun emoji. You see, back in the day, the gun emoji looked like an actual gun, a revolver, and then it slowly started to devolve into a Nerf gun, thanks to the tech overlords who thought we couldn’t handle a realistic representation of a firearm in our digital conversations.

But leave it to Elon to roll in, buy the platform, and change it back to something that actually resembles a real gun. And not just any gun, but—a 1911.

Musk called out these other tech giants—Apple, Google, Microsoft, Samsung, Facebook—for what he called the “woke mind virus.”

He Tweeted: "Nerfing of the gun emoji matches rise of the woke mind virus, as a core tenet is equating fake harm with real harm"

Attaching a picture of the gun emojis changing over time.

Around 2016, groups like New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) decided that having a realistic gun emoji was just too much for our fragile society to handle. So, they launched the #DisarmTheiPhone campaign.

They basically told Apple, “Hey, you guys have emojis for everything under the sun, but that gun emoji? It’s gotta go. Replace it with something friendlier, like a squirt gun, because, you know, that’ll totally reduce gun violence.” I’m not even kidding—this was their logic.

And Apple, being the progressive tech giant that it is, caved. In 2016, they swapped out the revolver for a bright green squirt gun, probably thinking it was a harmless little change. But what they didn’t realize—or maybe they did—was that they were laying the groundwork for a much bigger cultural shift.

This wasn’t just about emojis. No, this was about controlling the culture. You see, the anti-2a lobby understands that to win the long game, they’ve got to shape how we think, how we talk, and yes, even how we text.

By changing the gun emoji, they were chipping away at the very idea of gun ownership.

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