Elizabeth Warren & Stephen Colbert Tells Republicans To Ban AR-15s In Show of Unity

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren told Stephen Colbert’s audience on Tuesday that Republicans and Democrats should ban “assault weapons” (AR-15s) in a show of unity nationwide as a proper response to the failed Trump assassination attempt.

She then goes on her Twitter to say, "We didn’t hear about gun safety reform at the RNC this week—but it’s an issue where Republicans and Democrats should be able to come together. Let’s ban assault weapons nationwide."

However, the only thing Elizabeth does worse than being a fake native American is faking sincerity!

Whenever there’s a crisis on anything, she has her "Ban assault weapons!" campaign ready

Elizabeth Warren’s statement isn’t just misguided—it’s divisive. She calls for unity, but what she’s actually doing is driving a wedge between Americans.

By singling out "assault weapons" and calling for their ban, she’s effectively telling millions of law-abiding gun owners that their rights and their perspectives don’t matter.

Think about it: how can we have unity when one side is constantly vilified for wanting to protect their constitutional rights?

Real unity isn’t about forcing one group’s agenda onto another. Real unity is about respecting each other’s rights and finding common ground.

However, there is no common ground here because AR-15s are protected by the Second Amendment!
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