Does Trump Really Support The Second Amendment?

There’s this misconception floating around that being pro-gun automatically means you’re a gun person. The two can overlap, but they aren’t necessarily the same.

You can be pro-gun without knowing the ins and outs of firearms or the over-arching conversation about gun control and the Second Amendment in this country.

Take Donald Trump, for instance. It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t know much about firearms, and I can tell that based on how he speaks about them.

He also doesn’t seem to grasp the depth of the pro-2A conversation entirely either.

But then again, Trump has this way of speaking that’s so plain, direct, and blunt that it’s hard to tell if he really gets it or is just winging it.

I think Trump is more of a conceptual supporter of the Second Amendment. He backs the Second Amendment in it’s theory, but when you look at how he talks about it, you can tell he’s not knee-deep in the details.

This sometimes leads people to think Trump isn’t as pro-gun as he claims to be.

Now, you could argue that he’s only pro-gun because he’s running as a conservative and that his base demands it.

But honestly, the effects are the same. That’s the whole point of representative government, right?

If he knows he’ll lose support by not backing the Second Amendment, that’s a win for us.

Let’s discuss ‘The Bump Stock Ban’, ‘The Take the Guns Then Due Process Comment’, as well as ‘Pro-Gun Laws He Passed or supported’ and ‘Anti Gun Laws He Rolled Back’

So, all things considered, here are a bunch of reasons why I believe Donald Trump will be, a pro-gun president.

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