Delta’s DI vs Piston AR15 (SFOD-D) [Range Talk]
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The topic "Direct Impingement" (really it’s internal piston) versus External Piston AR15 still frequently comes up, but this is a topic that U.S. Army’s SFOD-D (Delta) has already tackled ages ago.
Henry and Josh take the peak 90’s Delta Carbine (the "Gordon") out against the HK416 to see what progress has come up with over the last few decades.
Side note: the "Gordon" carbine you see here is now the "true Gordon", which is no longer a 12.5in barrel adapted with an AEM5 to mimic the 90’s suppressed Delta M16A2 carbine. This has the 14.5in barrel with an @allenengineering M4 suppressor sleeved over now.
Video brought to you by @midwayusa
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