CCW Classes in Orlando – Concealed Weapons Permit

Ready to get your concealed weapons permit then you’ve come the right place. The Bunker is now offering Orlando CCW classes to the central FL area. Best part it’s only $25 dollars.

Orlando Florida Concealed Carry Weapons Class truly is the best deal in town. You can take the state required course and receive a certificate of completion required for your 7 year CCW License.

This class is available for Florida and Non-Florida Residents.

The approximate 3 hour class, gives you information about the law that you are under when you start carrying. When you go to the Dept. of Agriculture, you will be signing an affidavit that says you have read and understood Chapter 790. We go over sections of the Chapter that could affect you in your everyday life.

Ready to get started: Book your CCW Classes Orlando Now

Florida Has The Most CCW permit In The US!

You read that right!

With nearly 2 Million CCW Permits issued in the state of Florida, we have the more CCW Permit holders than any other state. We make getting your Florida concealed carry weapons permit easy and affordable. We offer more classes than anyone in Central Florida and provide you only top notch certified instructors. Book your Orlando CCW Class online today and see the difference experience makes.

How long is a concealed carry class in Florida?

The class is about 3 hours. A lot depends on the students in the class. If a lot of students are new to firearms it may take longer.

How long does it take to get a concealed carry permit in Florida?

How long will processing take? The turnaround time for processing a concealed weapon license application is approximately 50 to 55 days.

How much does a concealed weapons permit cost in Florida?

The class at the bunker is only $25, you still will need to get your fingerprint processing at your local sheriff’s office before the permit can be issued. 

Ready to get started: Book your CCW Classes Orlando Now

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