Handguns chambered in 9x19mm are the most popular handguns in the United States for good reason: they have a relatively high capacity, 9mm ammunition is inexpensive and plentiful, they have less recoil than most other calibers, and they can be very effective for self-defense. But what is the best 9mm pistol?

That’s a great question, but not one that’s strictly easy to answer.

The thing is, the design of 9mm pistols can be all over the place. That’s not just due to their popularity, though they do dominate the handgun market. It’s also because there are a variety of intended uses, many real, a few perceived. It can be confusing, not least because some 9mm pistols are an excellent choice for more than one mission.

To help you with your decision, we’ve listed the best 9mm pistols on the market and give you the know-how to choose your own.   


There are three main types of 9mm pistols that you should know about. Sure, there are more categories of 9mm handguns, however, if you’re just starting out, these are the three categories you are likely to consider.

Concealed Carry Pistols (CCW): The purpose of a CCW gun is that they are lightweight and compact so as to make it easy for you to carry it, and not have it stick out. 9mm concealed carry handguns come in various shapes and sizes and can range from pocket-sized single stacks to compact combat pistols. Also if you are looking to get a CCW gun, you should look at CCW insurance.

Home Defense Handguns: The good news about home defense guns is that you can go as big and bulky as you want without issue. A firearm designed to be used inside the home doesn’t need to be concealed. Bigger and heavier can be good things especially when it comes to capacity and easier to deal with recoil.

Range Guns: Range guns fall into a few categories, and they can be plinkers for fun, competition guns, or just an extensive collection of fun guns that mostly see life at the range.


In the below table, you can find our favorite 9mm pistol in each of the categories listed above.

However, if you’re in seeing a list of individual guns in each category, you can scroll down (or click the category of pistol below) and see how each gun ranked with more detail.

Best Overall 9mm Pistol

Best Concealed Carry 9mm Pistols

Best Cheap Handguns (most affordable)

Best Home Defense 9mm Handguns

Best 9mm Pistol for the Shooting Range

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