Armed LA Homeowner Faced Multiple Burglars With California Compliant Gun, Is in Hospital

A homeowner armed with a California-compliant handgun where they limit your magazine to 10 rounds faced multiple armed burglars. “Two suspects entered a residence with an occupant inside,” LAPD Cpt. Kelly Muniz said. “That occupant, armed himself with a handgun and fired at the burglars that were inside of his home.”

One of the burglars was suffering from a gunshot wound, was conscious and breathing was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

The homeowner, who sustained unknown injuries during the incident, was also taken to the hospital.

Neighbors are on edge after a series of brazen, destructive burglaries continue targeting their San Fernando Valley homes.

“Criminals are becoming more and more risk takers,” said homeowner Andres Godinez

“They broke into my home basically helped themselves to all my valuables,” he said. “They don’t care if it’s daytime or nighttime.”

“I feel like it’s the wild west out here and there are no laws,” another resident said.

You’ve worked hard to move into your dream neighborhood with its manicured lawns and friendly neighbors, only to find out criminals see it as a jackpot. In this video, we delve into this shocking home invasion where the homeowner had to rely on his Second Amendment rights to protect himself.

Despite California’s strict gun laws, he defended his home and turned the tables on the intruders.

What if there had been even more attackers?

What if he had run out of ammo because of magazine limits? Anti-gunners argue ten rounds are enough, but real-life situations tell a different story.

We explore the critical flaws in restrictive gun laws and why they leave law-abiding citizens vulnerable.

This is also why I always shamelessly tell people to get self-defense insurance through a membership like USCCA.


Most people don’t have a lawyer they can call at the drop of a dime when something happens, and the lawyers that most people know don’t even practice in the field of self-defense.

With a USCCA membership, you make two calls if you’re in a self-defense shooting. The first one 911, and the second one will be the 24/7 emergency support team who will literally guide you through the unexpected realities of a self-defense situation.

On top of that, you’ll get access to an entire legal network of lawyers who not only specialize in self-defense cases; they specialize in self-defense cases in your state!

With a USCCA Membership, you also get access to a wealth of training and information like the Training video vault, where self-defense experts teach you beforehand how to avoid a dangerous situation and when you can and can’t use your firearm to defend yourself.

So please, if you carry a gun or any weapon for any defense, whether concealed carry or home defense, protect yourself legally.

I work with USCCA because I believe they have the best all-around membership on the market, but even if you don’t choose USCCA, choose something because you might be alone if you ever have to defend yourself, but you don’t have to be alone through the legal process.

I think USCCA is the best, which is why I work with them, and they do offer my followers special FREE bonuses to become a member with a 365-day money-back guarantee.

Self Defense insurance with special bonuses for Colion Noir subscribers

I am the MILITIA

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