Anti-Gun Marine Says There’s No Use Case For Machine Guns In Civilian Life
Chris Cuomo interviewed Democrat Congressman Jake Auchincloss from Massachusetts, who is also an ex-Marine. Jake went on to say there’s no use case for machine guns in civilian life and other anti-gun nonsense along with Chris Cuomo. So we need to debunk the nonsense they were saying:
– There is no use case for a machine gun in civilian life
– Comparing Bump stocks to Machine Guns
– Representatives Are Afraid of the NRA
– Guns are the leading cause of death of children
– Chris Cuomo says Unfortunately, Guns have become a symbol of individual liberty
– The only time regulation appears in the constitution is to describe how we should approach the handling of weapons
– He served in the Marine Corps and knows what these weapons of war can do
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
By the way, YES, AR-15s are Protected by the Second Amendment.
"A Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It didn’t say only handguns; it said ARMS.
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Published in Firearms, Videos