Alec Baldwin Just Got Off On A Technicality For The Rust Shooting & Can’t Be Tried Again

I already had mixed emotions about this case, and now, after this, I’m just dumbfounded. Legally, I understand what happened, but parts of my brain are telling me to run to the closet and grab my tin foil hat because dismissing this case over this BRADY violation just seems way too convenient.

A Brady violation happens when the prosecution fails to share evidence that could help the defendant.

This evidence might prove the defendant’s innocence or make them look less guilty.

Baldwin’s lead attorney grilled a crime scene tech from the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office about some ammo handed over by a former cop who’s connected to the “Rust” armorer’s family.

Spiro and Baldwin’s team jumped on this and argued that the prosecutors hid this ammo evidence, which could be linked to the fatal shooting.

They pushed to get the case dismissed, saying they should’ve been able to check out this ammo themselves.

Prosecutors claimed the ammo wasn’t hidden and wasn’t relevant to the case because it never left Arizona, and the movie was being filmed in New Mexico.

But the judge disagreed.

She said the late discovery of this evidence messed up Baldwin’s chance for a fair trial and showed signs of bad faith.

She dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning it can’t be refiled.

Considering the co-counsel on the prosecution side resigned from the case, it seems like there was some weird activity going on with the prosecution.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments:

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