2A Week in Review. February 11-18, 2024.

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The 2A Week in Review Sponsored by Gun Butter.

Washington Gun Law President starts his weekly recap of all news events which affect your inalienable right of self preservation. We take you to all corners of our country so that you can always be armed with education.

Gun Butter
Thanks to Gun Butter for sponsoring today’s video. Remember, you can try out what is absolutely the best gun lubricant in the market and thank us later. To receive 10% off, visit our good friends at: https://gunbutter.com/shop/washingtongunlaw/

Use Promo Code: WGL10
Other Sources.

Petitions to Supreme Court on Illinois Assault Weapon Ban. https://youtu.be/5BduZtUbikI

Minnesota Solicitor General Says Anything. https://youtu.be/WFcCxl99Js0

Oregon Ballot Measure 114 Appeal. https://youtu.be/rjMqsPOXEYw

California SB 1160. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB1160#99INT

Various Assault Weapon Bans.
Colorado. https://youtu.be/TEdzOEDGhM0
Hawaii. https://youtu.be/w7pVyXQ3AMQ
Pennsylvania. https://youtu.be/NpC_koI9YoM
The Good News. We mentioned that there are many, many worthwhile organizations fighting like hell to preserve your inalienable rights. Consider showing one or all of these groups some love.

GOA. https://www.gunowners.org/
SAF. https://saf.org/
NAGR. https://www.nationalgunrights.org/
FPC. https://www.firearmspolicy.org/
CRPA. https://crpa.org/
Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. https://gunowners.mn/
Hawaii Firearms Coalition. https://hifico.org/
Contact Washington Gun Law
If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else related to what’s left of our Second Amendment Rights, remember you can always contact us at:

www.washingtongunlaw.com or call us directly at 425-765-0487.

Stay safe.
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