10 Brand NEW REVOLVELS Hitting the Market Mid 2024!

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Ready to meet the newcomers shaking up the revolver market in 2024? Okay, I know what you’re thinking — is this video clickbait? Well, sorry to burst your bubble — but it isn’t.

Today, we’re diving into the details of 10 more new revolvers that have just hit the market or are about to make their debut. Without further ado…

Number 10: Heritage Roscoe
Number 9: Cimarron Walker’s Walker Company A
Number 8: Taurus 692 Executive Grade
Number 7: CZ Colt Viper
Number 6: CZ Colt Grizzly
Number 5: CZ Colt Kodiak
Number 4: Spohr 28 Series
Number 3: Spohr L562 Series
Number 2: Spohr Club Edition
Number 1: Smith & Wesson 327 World Record

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